"Two roads diverged in a wood and I--
Took the road less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
wish at the end of it all I could say the same
realized that there’s just so much truth in the saying “It’s always easier said
than done.” A few months ago, I was in
that exact same position. Lost.
Confused. Heck, I was ready to flip a coin and let it decide for what I envisioned
as my “grand” destiny.
It’s hard
enough to choose from two different paths, knowing how it can change me and my
whole life. To make matters worse, these fork roads never seem to stop existing.
I try to look beyond the path for every less-traveled-by road that I chose, it’s
always like seeing my pot of gold, only it vanishes just when I thought I’m
about to reach it. As I take another step, as I go deeper and deeper, nearer
and nearer, one by one, my butterflies of hope and my garden of faith starts to
wither and vanish. I’m afraid that soon enough as everything starts to crumble
right before my very eyes; I’ll forget the reason why I’m at this exact same
position right now. I’m trying to hang on to what’s left of the same hope and
the same faith that brought me to this place, believing against all the odds
that someday it will make all the difference.
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